Tuesday, April 7, 2009

April 8 - Rant Of The Day

At what age should young men stop using the word, "dude" to refer to someone whose name they know? Personally, I think a young man's last uttered "dude" should be on his high school graduation day. If you really want to be nice about it, then let's give them until their graduating class finishes college. After that, every uttered "dude", should be met with a hefty fine and a mandatory jail sentence. Dude, I can't stand it anymore.

Also left to echo in high school hallways should be "like" (when used more than once in a sixty second period), "chick" (used to refer to a woman) and "you know what I'm sayin'", because frankly, no, I don't know what you are saying.

If any of you are still using these words and phrases often, trust me, you sound like an idiot. And by the way if you are not a baseball player, but you insist on wearing a baseball cap anyway, would you mind turning your baseball cap around with the bill in the front? And pull your pants up. You look like an idiot too.


Anonymous said...

let's add the phrase, you know/ you know? Also from California. No, I don't know. Know what?


Anonymous said...

I frequently use "dude." It's probably a by-product of the fact that I work with high-schoolers. Can I get a pass on this one? LOL

//thread hijack

This brings to mind a funny story. I was in a teachers workshop one time where the presenter suggested that we have a "safe" phrase to use with the students who are attention hogs so that we can unwrap ourselves from them instead of being drawn into doing everything for them. You know the kind of student . . . the one that wants you to just stand over them and constantly tell them how well they are doing. In the meantime your other 20 kids all need you too. Anyway, the presenter said that we needed to have this safe phrase that we used consistently to avoid being drawn in. Something like "I know it's hard, just keep trying." Or "you're doing a great job, you'll get it worked out." So she's going around the room asking for our phrases and all these elementary teachers are giving their touchy-feely safe phrases and it comes my turn and I gave her the phrase I consistently use when my students are whining, which was . . . "dude, that sucks but I'm not gonna fix it for you." I thought those touchy-feely teachers were going to die!


Bruce said...

PLEASE do not forget "no problem" just makes me want to rip my ears off and they still do not complete the task after the using this phrase.

Anonymous said...

lighten up dude......

