Wednesday, April 1, 2009

April 2 - Rant Of The Day

Those of you who are grammar freaks will be the first to point out that my blog is often full of typographical errors. We all make mistakes and they should be overlooked, especially when reading casual writing. That's not what this rant is about. But what is with the people who make signs or send out "professional" documents where every plural word contains an apostrophe? Argh!

A few days ago I received a copy of a document that had been distributed by my company to all of its thousands of internal and external clients. The word "fee's" appeared in that document no less than fifty times over the course of thirty pages. This is not an exaggeration.

I am so tired of seeing signs that read something like, "Three Taco's For 99 Cents"!

The fact that some people get confused about when to use the apostrophe is not the part that bothers me. What really gets my goat is the fact that these widely distributed documents and professionally printed signs and banners must have been read by multitudes of idiots who were either too stupid, too lazy, or to embarrassed to tell the author about their mistake. How many proofreaders, typesetters (if there is still such a thing), graphic designers, and printers could possibly look at this and not notice?

Please people. There is no apostrophe in a word that is intended to be plural. So knock it off.

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