Monday, April 6, 2009

April 7 - Rant Of The Day

When I was fifteen years old, I opened my first checking account. When I was sixteen years old, the bank mailed me a magical card that allowed me to use these fancy new machines they called "ATMs". It turns out that these letters stood for "Automated Teller Machine" and get this- I could take out money and make deposits without even going inside my bank! I didn't even have to go near my bank! Isn't that wild? Soon after came the advent of the debit card. Not only was it an ATM card, but I could also make purchases with it. Crazy, huh?

Fast forward twenty five years. Retailers are staffing the minimum number of cashiers they can possibly get away with. Lines to pay are incessantly long. Boy, it's a good thing we can all just swipe our debit cards and move along, right? Wrong!

Here I am at the warehouse store. I just want to buy some coffee, a set of tires, a diamond ring, and a side of beef and I'm ready to pay. I've waited patiently for six other customers to complete their transactions. There is just one more customer in front of me. Let's call her Myrtle. The cashier has totaled up Myrtle's purchases and is waiting for Myrtle to pay. We are all waiting for Myrtle to pay. Myrtle is fishing through her purse. She isn't exactly sure where her checkbook is, but she knows it's in there somewhere. "What's the date today?", Myrtle asks. Darn, Myrtle's pen is out of ink.

Meanwhile, I have lost the vision in my left eye because of the stroke I am having. Please people, I'm begging you - save the checks to slip inside your grandchild's birthday card. Use your debit card at the warehouse store or I will steal the pen right out of your check-writing hand and stab you in the neck with it.


Anonymous said...

As you know from listening to me, you should see this viewpoint from the cashier's side. We have time goals to meet and daily intake goals, all while being fast fun and friendly, and friendly, and friendly. Of course after Myrtle finds her checkbook, she is still checking the sell-by dates of her six items. (Not to mention the line forming behind her, and behind her and behind her.)The cashier is receiving looks of death from the patrons waiting. Of course Myrtle has to write her check for an even amount so it makes it easier to keep up with her checking account, now that means that she has to find the other 99 cents in the bottom of her purse and wallet. No such luck. Options, write another check voiding the first purchase and renewing the sales ticket. All this while explaining that she never uses credit. She's strictly a cash only kind of gal. Perhaps a supervisor is needed also for a void.Then she decides that her milk sell by date is not long enough for her, so you call a clerk to exchange it. And when you complete bagging her goods into her special bag and smile at her, wishing her under your breath, have a nice day. She leaves. And the next client in line wonders why you are crying.


Anonymous said...

Detta thinks that Myrtle spelled backwards is "Detta". She knows you were thinking of her when you wrote it. We had a good laugh, but she still does'nt want to be in front of you when she shops. Dave