Thursday, April 9, 2009

April 9 - Rant Of The Day

Why is it that members of the religious right feel that they alone are qualified to decide which citizens may have federal and state entitlements and priveleges bestowed on them by the government? Why is it that they can quote the second amendment of the Constituion chapter and verse when it comes to gun ownership debates, but somehow completely forget the rest.

Article 11

"The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people."

I am a citizen of the United States. I am entitled to equal treatment under the law (all laws) whether you think so or not. Any law which provides rights or entitlements by the government should not be limited to a specific group of people, even the ones who think God is on their side.

I do not believe the truth of a book written at a time when the Earth was considered to be flat and sea monsters were a real danger to sailors. I do not believe that Jonah lived in a fish for three days nor do I believe in the story of Jack and the beanstalk. Please stop telling me what your God thinks about all this. He is not a registered voter. If you want to live in a theocracy, move to Iran.

Would anyone deny my government bestowed right to speak freely, to travel freely, or to vote? What logical reason is there to deny just the right of marriage? Either repeal all of the rights and entitlements of marriage bestowed by the government, and reduce marriage to a strictly religious ceremony, or bestow the rights and entitlements of marriage to all citizens of the United States.

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