Wednesday, April 1, 2009

April 1 - Rant Of The Day

It's my blog and nobody reads it anyway, so I intend to post a new blog every single day this month where I get to crab and moan about something that makes me crazy. It's what I do best anyway. Since today is April Fool's Day, I'd like to start of with holidays and other specially designated days, especially those created within the last hundred years or so.

Why do we have designated days where we are made to feel as if we have done something wrong simply by not participating? Why do we have to buy flowers on Valentine's day? Why do we have to wear green on St. Patrick's Day? Why do we have to take our mothers out to eat on Mother's day? And why don't I get any credit for doing these things all year long? I took my mother to breakfast just a few days ago. Didn't that count for anything? I took Paul to the mountains to stay overnight in a hotel last weekend. Can I get Valentine's day credit? I'm sick of feeling pressured to buy or do something just because some day on the calendar says I have to.

Let's face it, it's mostly the women among us who keep these pressures at the forefront. While I'm on the subject, ladies, what is with the greeting cards and potlucks? When is the last time a bunch of guys got together to have a potluck? Ever have a man come into your office with a greeting card for you to sign, that was not purchased by a woman?

Ladies, it is not necessary to buy a greeting card every time a co-worker has has a birthday. A simple spoken, "Happy Birthday" will suffice. The same goes for potlucks. I would much rather have a short phone call or email from my friends and family on my birthday, than a whole table full of homemade macaroni salad.

I recommend the following remedy: Take your mother out for a meal and do something nice for her whenever you can. Don't wait for Mother's day. Buy your better half some flowers on a Tuesday in April for no reason. Don't wait for Valentine's day. Call your friends and family once a month to say hello and wish them well. Don't wait for a birthday. And please stop making me feel guilty for not bringing a covered dish every time someone sneezes!


Nonna said...

Pretty funny - but - I have to make one correction. OK, I could make several, but I'll just make ONE correction. To your comment that no one reads your blog...I do.

No one...

Anonymous said...

I soooooo read your blog. I just don't always comment.

I *love* the rant-of-the-day idea. LOVE it.

When I worked in the "real" world I did tire of the potluck luncheon, birthday-card-toting herd of people who were always standing at my desk with something for me to sign. Now that I'm in education and nobody gives a damn when it's your birthday I kinda miss it.

I've been trying to call you for two weeks now. In fact, I accidentally called Dave in Florida the other night because I just pushed the first "3" number I came to. We chatted for a while and then it was to late to make the actual call. I'll catch up with you this weekend.

Rant on, brother . . .


Anonymous said...

I'm sure glad that I forgot to send you that April Fool's day card Cheryl bought for you!


Anonymous said...

What is wrong with telling someone something nice every day, even if you don't know them personally, without have to send them a card,set up a potluck dinner, or dress in green. Having more recently worked in the public sector, whereas in my previous life I worked for myself, I could not adjust to the scenario.
Keep on a-bloggin', it's a hoot. Please note the apostrophes. Oh well, can't do it all right.