Saturday, August 30, 2008

Sign Here (And Here And Here And Here...)

Well, it's official. We have a new home in Denver, Colorado (Aurora to be exact). The closing took place yesterday at the sales office of the condominium complex.

I finally had a chance to meet the broker who represented the seller. He was so typically "Denver"...tall, thin, good-looking, with tassels on his shoes. Men in Denver like tassels on their shoes. I'm surprised that the accelerator pedals on their Saabs and Audis don't have special little clips just to keep their tassels from flopping around while they drive.

The stack of documents to be signed was an inch thick, but I was so exhausted both mentally and physically that I would have signed anything just to get out of there. It was just as if I had been in a car dealer's showroom all day long and had now been ushered into the finance manager's office. Pinstripe? Sure, I'll take it. Scotchguard? You bet. Extended warranty? Absolutely gotta have that. Protective undercoating? Where do I sign?

After I got about half way through the stack and had carefully read the note and deed of trust, I just completely stopped listening to their explanations of what I was signing. What difference did it make at this point? I just wanted out of there. For all I know, I just signed a document promising to have half of my paycheck automatically deducted and sent to fund a government program in Sweden to study the long term effects of cleaning one's belly button too often.

I got an email from Paul last night. He is hauling a big trailer full of what belongings we still have across the country and had stopped to spend the night in Macon, Georgia. I feel terrible for not being able to help him with this journey. I did so want to stop in Kansas to see the world's largest ball of twine. I guess I'll just have to leave that on my list of the top 100 places to see before I die.

Today, my job is to fill the house with various miscellaneous items that we no longer own. I had planned to get a Colorado driver's license today, but they have no offices that are open on Saturdays. It's probably better this way. I don't own any shoes with tassels and I'm sure I will need some in order to prove to the DMV that I am a resident of Colorado.


Nonna said...

yeah, but I'll bet you're glad to be out of that hurricane magnet they call Florida!!!

Anonymous said...

I bet you all think that Jon & Paul left me behind all alone. Not true, I've got Fay, Gustaf, Hannah,Ike, Josephine, Johnny Walker, & Capt. Morgan to keep me company. Let's party. Dave

Anonymous said...

Dave, those guys are like that just always on the run. Hope you have stocked up looks as if the storms are lining up like the airport approaches and Florida is the landing strip!

Jon, you have a thing for the DMV....nothing better to do!