Wednesday, August 20, 2008

The Eye Of The Storm

Well, as Fay peters out, so has the commotion surrounding the condo deal. The seller and I have come to a new agreement based on a lower price. The papers aren't signed yet, but they soon will be. The closing has been rescheduled for August 29th.

I'm off to Denver on the 28th, condo or no condo. I'll live in a shoebox if I have to, but I'll never come back to this rusty, backwater, banjo-playing, racist, bug-infested, fried-food eating, Jesus-freak place if I can help it. Well, maybe to change planes.

I'll send you all our new address and phone number as soon as I have it. In the meantime, our cell numbers will stay the same.

Wish us luck! I imagine it's going to get pretty stormy again before this is all said and done.


Anonymous said...

A hurricane is just one of those things one ought to expierence once in a lifetime - just for the fun of it and bragging rights. I'm glad you are limited to only one though!


Anonymous said...

Jon & Paul - Best wishes on the move! Jon, just want you to know how much I enjoy your blog. Catching up with your dramas and exploits is one of my favorite things to do during my frequent waits in airport lounges. Looking forward to more to come in Colorado
chris Bradshaw !