Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Going Postal

I was at the post office today waiting impatiently to mail an overnight letter before the deadline for pickup. In front of me were three customers and only one mail clerk was available.

The first customer had a huge box full of little packages that each needed to be sent separately via certified mail. Heavy sigh. Okay, no problem. I was dealing with it. One. Two. Three. Four...

The next customer was a 20-something shaved head tattooed guy who wanted to buy a box, but couldn't find the right size on the shelves. He asked the clerk if she had any small boxes. She went to the back to see. She called out, asking him if he wanted a small box to ship videos in. He replied (and I quote), "I want the small one that's just like the bigger ones, only smaller." Five. Six. Seven....

The third customer, obviously a retiree, was a lady who had driven to the post office to find out if her letter needed one stamp or two. (I wonder how much gas she used driving to the post office to avoid wasting a stamp.) Eight. Nine. Ten... Then, after mailing her letter, the lady began to walk away. Ahhhhhh - my turn.

Oh crap, she's not done. The woman suddenly remembered that she needed stamps. But, she didn't want just any stamps. "Do you have any stamps with flowers on them?" "No, but I have Sinatra stamps and these other ones." "Ooh, these are cute!" "What else do you have?"



Anonymous said...

OMG I had the SAME experience last week at our post office (except there were about 11 people in line in front of me). PLUS, I had to make two trips because the first time I stopped by there were no fewer than 20 people in line.

And yeah, one person working.

Bruce thought it was funny to watch me get irritated. Heh.


Anonymous said...

Even if they had the stamps with flowers, {which yhey always do.} I'm sure they would have been the wrong color. Dave