Thursday, December 4, 2008

Baby, It's Cold Outside!

Every morning I pour my coffee and then I look out the window. I don't know what I'm looking for.

Today there are tiny snow flurries floating in the air. For those of us not used to snow, we picture it falling down and sticking to the ground. But this snow is floating in every direction. Some of it is falling. Some of it is rising. Some of it is drifting sideways. All of the snow is moving slowly and gently through the air. The snow isn't sticking to the ground but is drifting around like grains of sand across a Las Vegas parking lot. You can tell that it is truly cold outside just by watching the drifting snow.

The walk to the train station takes seven minutes. I bundle myself up and walk toward the station. For the first time in many years I can feel cold air on my cheeks. The gently blowing snow melts on them and makes them feel even colder, but the rest of me is well-dressed and warm.

As the electric train rolls quietly toward my stop, I watch the world go by. Everything is dusted in a thin blanket of white that stretches from the tracks all the way to the foothills, twenty miles to the west.

Tonight the low temperature is described by a word that only has one syllable, but today I feel alive for the first time in a very long time.


Anonymous said...

We thought about you guys this morning when we were watching the weather. It's cold here too, but I hesitate to type 31° because I know Den will have something snotty to say. LOL

Oh . . . and that alive feeling? Isn't it great?

Love yall -

Anonymous said...

Enjoy the season.. rejoyce in the cold. It's all that will keep you sane in late Frbruary!

Chris in MN

Nonna said...

Oh...My...GOD! I can't believe I'm reading this. You feel ALIVE? SERIOUSLY? How many years have I had to suffer as you pissed and moaned and bitched about how cold it is here in MN when I made you travel here in January. But, oh, now that YOU'VE chosen to live in a cold climate, you're ok with it? You're even...dare I say it...ALIVE? I guess that you just proved my point. It's what I told you that first time I met you in one of our coldest weeks in February oh so many years ago...and you had to go out for a smoke. You HATED it, and I told's all about perspective.

hmmmm...I looks like you believe me now! :)


(and glad you finally see I'm NOT insane for liking the cold sometimes!)