Thursday, December 18, 2008

Hell Has Frozen Over

I can't keep my car clean here in Denver. You see, every time I wash it, it snows, turning my evening commute into a scene that looks like a combination between a monster truck rally and some kind of mud wrestling competition.

I have decided that there are two kinds of winter. The first kind is the kind we all hear about in holiday songs, like "Let It Snow" (Oh, the weather outside is frightful. But the fire is so delightful....) The second kind is the kind that we have to push our shopping carts through when we leave Walmart.

As I schlepped home in the muck today, ruining our car's freshly washed exterior, I wondered if we had made the right decision in moving to Colorado. And then I remembered that our friend Laura Lee had sent us a picture taken from her home this morning in Las Vegas.

It seems hell has now frozen over, and there is nowhere to escape from it.

I'm ready for Spring now.

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