Thursday, November 6, 2008

Changes Aplenty

It seems that everything changes at once. First, let me say that I am truly pleased that country has chosen Barack Obama as their next president. It seems I am not alone. The whole world seems to be celebrating. Let's just hope he doesn't screw it up!

Next, I finally finished negotiating with a new employer here in Colorado and I have formally accepted the job. I told my boss yesterday that I would be leaving. She was sad to see me go, but was very understanding. This is not the type of economy to sit back and hope for the best. I think if you have an opportunity, you had better grab it.

That being said, I am now going to be a contract employee. They don't provide benefits, but I did get a 35% increase over my current salary. Fortunately, Paul's new employer will allow him to add me to his insurance policy. The difference between what I used to make and what I will make now is so substantial, that I may actually be able to put some money away. That would be a real triumph for me.

And finally, the seasons have suddenly changed here as well. As of yesterday, the air is dry and cold and the snow has begun to fall in the mountains. I am excited to try my hand at skiiing and I'm going to see about getting some ski clothes this weekend. I am really looking forward to the holidays this year. It will be the first time in twenty years that I won't be admiring a holiday light display on a palm tree!


Anonymous said...

Congratulations! The etx job did last longer than the 2 years you had as a minimum, so that's something....

Nonna said...

I am so happy for you. And, you've finally broken that spell where you put companies out of business :)

Jon said...

Nonna - I wouldn't bee so sure about that. Watch and see what happens!

Chris - Yep 3.5 years...practically a record for me. (Seemed like longer.)

Anonymous said...

Congrats Jon!!!!!
