Monday, June 30, 2008

About My Blog

"Hot Boiled Peanuts", you say? What has that got to do with anything? Well, for the last nine months, I have been living in Florida - and not just Florida, but rural Florida. I moved here after a 12-year stint as a resident of Las Vegas, not exactly a center of culture, but a city nonetheless. Now, I live in the middle of nowhere. My friend Dave, who owns the house I live in, often jokes that our zip code is "EIEIO". Only, it's not really that funny.

Hot boiled peanuts are a roadside delicacy here in the middle of Bumblebug, Florida. They are the best way that I could think of to represent the way people here live. But they also represent a twist on things, a different way of looking at things. These southern delicacies are advertised outside gas stations and at roadside stands on every rural road in the area. They are a soupy mess that people slurp up with joy. I can think of few foods that I would find more disgusting that a soupy stew of mushy peanuts. No other phrase that I can think of, better sums up my feelings about the place I live in. So, if you are a Florida fan, you'd probably better move on. You won't like what you read here.

And one more word of warning. This is a place for me to share details and thoughts of my life with friends and family. I am a gay man. I have a partner, Paul, of 15 years whom I love very much. I do not intend to discuss my daily life without including him. If this offends you, I would recommend that you read no further.

So, why am I starting this blog? There are several reasons. First, it's a good way to stay in touch with family and friends. I don't expect that many strangers will stop in to read my blog, but they are welcome. Second, you just can't make this stuff up. I have stories (some say hilarious stories) to share and I want them recorded somewhere. Last, I have been told by several people that they believe I should write for a living. I disagree with them and I do not see myself as any sort of a "Hemingway". Having said that, it's quite possible that some of my friends and family would like to hear my stories and share my triumphs and challenges. Those that don't are free to go back to growing tomatoes, or reading their bibles, or whatever other folks do in their spare time.

For the rest of you who are still reading, I hope you'll come back and join me often. I'd love to hear from you.


Nonna said...

I am SOOOOO happy you've joined the land of the bloggers! I am one of those that loves your stories, and am really looking forward to hearing from you on a more regular basis. Welcome aboard, old friend! Love to you and Paul!

hindsite said...

Hello Sweet Nephew! What a great idea to keep us all connected--and yes, you do have a great writing talent! Please recount for us all the story about the alligator road signs, that is a riot! I still cannot imagine you, Paul, or David living in outback anywhere. Do you even have a Starbucks? I have amusing stories to tell you from rural North East Texas! Our new next door neighbors are GAY! Imagine watching the reactions of the neighbors here in the Bible Belt as they have slowly figured out that the guys are neither "brothers" nor "roommates." HA! What's next, Black Folk? Come on, people...a sense of humor is going to be a must at this blog! Give Paul and David a kiss for me--Auntie

TheGoodAunt said...

Welcome to the land of the bloggers. I too have recently joined the Web 2.0 world, but unfortunately I'm only blogging for that bleepin' Master's Degree. One of these days . . .

Anyway, I thought you and Deb both would get a kick out of my screen name. You know I'm kiddin' Deb. LOL

Give Paul a hug for me. I miss you guys!